Monday, March 12, 2007

This is Sparta!

Last Friday night we all gathered for an excursion down to one of Calgary's premier movie theatres to watch the debut of 300 on the giant IMAX screens. Readers of The Daily Wenzel will know that we have been somewhat giddy in our anticipation of the latest Frank Miller adaptation, but giddier still were the crowds of people awaiting the opening of the movie.Young college age men, generally speaking, some of whom arrived dressed in cardboard Spartan outfits, were occassionally accompanied by women, but other movies were also drawing heavy that night and the atmosphere was quite heavy with anticipation. Clearly, tonight was a spectacle.

The movie itself was far more stylish than its audience. Background screens were impeccably rendered with fantastical images meant to give weight to the terrors of Classical hyperbole. The action equaled uits anticipation. 300 is a blood fest, but not in the way that some horror movies are awash in gore. In 300 the action during hte battle sequences speeds up during the approach before slowing down for the kill. The computer generated blood literally floats across the screen.

Yes, the movie is ultra-violent.

Yes, it is hyper-masculine.

Yes, it is awesome.

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