Saturday, October 18, 2008


We'll be honest. After almost a decade of looking at "What Would Jesus Do?" bracelets, the iNietzsche application  for the iPhone with it's  "What Would Nietzsche Say?" function  makes us giggle. After all, when it comes to timely advice, who would not want to turn to a man who said:

"That passion is better than Stoicism and hypocrisy, that being honest in evil is still better than losing oneself to the morality of tradition, that a free human being can be good as well as evil, but that an unfree human being is a blemish upon nature and has no share in any heavenly or earthly comfort; finally, that everyone who wishes to become free must become free through his own endeavour, and that freedom does not fall into any man's lap as a miraculous gift" (Untimely Meditations, 1876)

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